How to Write & Use a Copyright Notice Correctly
Copyright is a form of intellectual property that serves to protect original work – this can take many forms, which we will explore below. The creator ...
Stay on top of data privacy, regulations, security, and other important updates that may impact your business.
Copyright is a form of intellectual property that serves to protect original work – this can take many forms, which we will explore below. The creator ...
f you are a website owner that regularly produces original and unique content, you have no doubt toyed with the idea of using Google AdSense. And ...
Most businesses these days have a Facebook business page where they post content, advertise their products, and engage with their audience. And it’s no surprise as ...
What is a no responsibility disclaimer? Here's everything you need to know, examples you can learn from, and a free template you can start with.
A no refunds policy can be a scary thing. Here's a sample no refunds policy template and how you can write your own to benefit your business.
Download this free GDPR privacy policy template for your website and use included privacy policy examples to personalize it in minutes.
If you have any form of online presence, you can monetize it with the Amazon Associates program. In fact, many bloggers and website owners do just ...
With the rise of social media platforms such as YouTube and with younger generations carrying their smartphones on them at all times, content creation in video ...
Having control over one’s personal data online should already be a given. Yet, many people find it hard to track where their data goes and how ...
You’ve probably seen blogs and online businesses post disclaimers and disclosures on their web pages. Disclaimers and disclosures serve different purposes, but many people often use ...