
Definition & Meaning:

Subsidiaries refer to companies that are owned or controlled by another company, known as the parent company. These entities operate independently but are ultimately under the authority and ownership of the parent company.

Subsidiaries can be wholly owned or partially owned by the parent company, and they often serve various business purposes such as expanding into new markets, diversifying operations, or managing legal liabilities.

For example, a multinational corporation may establish subsidiaries in different countries to comply with local regulations, optimize tax structures, or tailor products and services to specific markets.

These subsidiaries operate autonomously within their respective regions but are ultimately accountable to the parent company.

From a legal perspective, the term Subsidiaries is essential in defining the corporate structure and relationships within a business entity.

It outlines the ownership hierarchy and delineates the responsibilities and liabilities of each subsidiary concerning the parent company.

Moreover, it helps in understanding the extent of control exerted by the parent company over its subsidiaries, including decision-making authority, financial oversight, and strategic direction.

By understanding the concept of subsidiaries and addressing it in relevant legal policies, businesses can effectively manage their corporate structure, relationships, and responsibilities across various entities within the organization.