Free Shipping Policy Generator

Create a flawless shipping policy personalized to your business in minutes. Instantly boost your sales and increase revenue by being transparent with your customers.

Capterra 5 star rating
Shipping policy generator

Built & Tailored for eCommerce Stores

Sales growth chart icon

Increase Conversion Rates

Transparent shipping details encourage customers to complete purchases, instantly boosting sales your sales.

5 star icon

Improve Customer Trust and Satisfaction

Transparent shipping policies enhance customer trust, contributing to higher satisfaction and increased brand loyalty.

Legal document icon

Strong Legal Protection

A comprehensive shipping policy can offer you legal protection by clearly outlining everybody’s terms and responsibilities.

Cloud integration icon

Integration With Major Platforms

Ensure seamless integration with your favorite platforms including Shopify, Wix, Squarespace, BigCommerce, or others.

How Does Our Shipping Policy Generator Work?

Our smart shipping policy generator takes the guesswork out of the legal jargon with an easy step-by-step process anyone can follow.

Questionnaire icon

1. Tell Us About Your Business

Answer a few questions in our smart shipping policy generator to describe your business and shipping options.

Customize policy icon

2. Customize The Policy

Personalize the policy by changing its look and feel or adding custom clauses to ensure a perfect fit for your business.

Download and publish icon

3. Download & Publish

Download the completed shipping policy or publish it on your website or app using one of the several available options.

Everything You Need in One Place

Personalized to Your Needs

Our smart shipping policy generator will ensure your documents are tailored to your specific needs to fit exactly what you do and how you operate.

No Legal Jargon Guesswork

Save hours of research and take the guesswork out of the legal jargon. Have your shipping policy ready in minutes with the easy step-by-step process.

Backed by Legal Experts

All policies are curated by a team of legal industry experts to maintain compliance and ongoing protection, and give you peace of mind.

Save on Legal Fees

Create your shipping policy for free or take advantage of additional coverage and tools at a fraction of the cost of hiring a lawyer.

Update as You Grow

Review and update your shipping policy at any time as your businesses and operations evolve over time.

Easy to Install

No technical knowledge is required to create and add the policies to your site or app with multiple installation methods available.

Hear it From Our Customers

I’m glad I used WebsitePolicies service for peace of mind as I’m starting a new venture. The three policies I got, covered exactly what was on my mind, formulated in legal terms I could not have written myself. Quick, easy, and affordable. Thanks!

Elisabeth Kern

I am absolutely amazed about this service. I’ve been programming my website for months and having its legal requirements was on my mind the whole time. It’s such a relief that this website helped me generate what I needed without any hassle.

John Higgins

This service was really easy to use, and I loved the simplicity of their questions! There’s a lot of stuff that new business owners and website builders don’t really know about but using this service, I feel confident about policies.

Joe Leitola

Frequently Asked Questions

eCommerce businesses, online retailers, and any business that ships products or offers pickups should create a clear, professional shipping policy.

No, it’s designed for ease of use without requiring legal knowledge. The tool guides you through creating a compliant policy.

You’ll need to provide basic details about your business, shipping practices, and any specific terms or conditions relevant to your operations.

Most people complete the online questionnaire in less than 5 minutes. Once finished, our system will automatically generate a comprehensive shipping policy for you based on your specific answers, which will be accessible in your account right away.

Yes, you can re-run the questionnaire and customize your shipping policy if you’d like to change something to suit your needs better. You can also change the appearance of the shipping policy if you’d like to embed it on your website or app to match your own theme.

Yes, you can add specific clauses to your shipping policy in case you’d like to address any additional requirements that are relevant to your business model.

Your shipping policy will be available in 25+ languages, including Bulgarian, Croatian, Czech, Danish, Dutch, English, Estonian, Finnish, French, German, Greek, Hungarian, Irish, Italian, Latvian, Lithuanian, Luxembourgish, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Slovak, Slovenian, Spanish, Swedish, and Turkish.

Yes, you can download or copy your shipping policy once it’s generated. We provide several different formats of the policy text so you can choose whatever works best for you.

Yes, we will host your shipping policy for you so you can link to it from your website, mobile app, Facebook page, or anywhere else.

Yes, our shipping policy generator is free. Sign up to create and add a shipping policy to your website or app in minutes. We also provide cost-effective pricing options that come with extra features and even more flexibility and guarantee your peace of mind.

Ready to Get Started?

Create your personalized shipping policy in minutes. No credit card required.